February 28, 2024
The UB-led team was awarded a $750,000 NSF grant to study wildfire inequities. Dr. Mukherjee is the project’s principal investigator, which examines emergency management disparities between wealthy and low-income groups. Other co-principal investigators in the project are Susan Clark, assistant professor in UB’s Department of Environment and Sustainability; Jose Walteros, assistant professor in UB’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Jungwon Yeo, associate professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. You can find the full news at the link below:
NSF Grant to study wildfire inequities
November 22, 2023
The data-driven evaluation conducted by Dr. Mukherjee and M.S. candidate Fatima Umer regarding the influence of socioeconomic variables on resource allocation during wildfire incidents is prominently featured in the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. For full news, click the link below:
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction News
November 22, 2023
Dr. Mukherjee and M.S. student Fatima Umer’s data-driven assessment of how socioeconomic variables affect resource allocation during a wildfire incident is featured in the Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) News. For full news, click the link below:
Inequity in U.S. Wildfire Emergency Response
September 05, 2023
Dr. Mukherjee was interviewed by CBS News to share her insights on the vulnerability of America’s aging energy grid due to extreme weather and climate change. To view the news, click the link below:
New concerns about U.S. energy grid’s durability against climate change
May 25, 2023
Dr. Mukherjee shared her thoughts on climate change in an interview with a journalist from The Hill. “It’s obvious that climate change is real, and it’s happening, and we are witnessing that,” said Sayanti Mukherjee, assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering at the University at Buffalo. To read the full article “Do humans cause climate change? Even now, only half of Americans say yes” You can check out the article here: The Hill
October 28, 2022
Our paper titled “A Statistical Learning Approach to Evaluate Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Physicians: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic” has been published in the IEEE Access Journal. This is a collaborative work with the American Medical Association and the University at Buffalo’s Department of Communication and Jacob’s School of Medicine. Congratulations to the team! You can check out the article here: Physicians PTSD
October 01, 2022
On Spectrum News, Dr. Mukherjee answered, ” Why not just bury the power lines?” as hurricane Ian knocked out power to millions of people.
You can check out the news here: Utiity Poles versus Buried Power Lines
September 22, 2022
Dr. Mukherjee was interviewed by WGRZ News Channel to share her insights on why the winter heating costs could soar for natural gas customers and how it could lead to something called, “Energy Poverty”! To check out the news click the link below:
Winter heating costs could soar for natural gas customers
The report was carried on by UB ISE Department News; MSN, and others.
April 29, 2022
Zhiyuan Wei received the Honorable Mention for the 2021-2022 ISE Graduate Student Teaching Award. This award is presented to a graduate student for demonstrating exceptional qualities as a teaching assistant or instructor through effective course material delivery, enthusiasm and responsibility, and professional demeanor. Congratulations, Zhiyuan!
March 9, 2022
Zhiyuan Wei, 3rd year ISE PhD student has been awarded the “2022 Natural Hazards Student Research Grant” from the Center for Geohazards Studies. Zhiyuan will be working on the proposed project titled, “Modeling Disparities in Accessibility to Essential Services Under Disasters Using Large-scale Mobility”, which is also a part of his PhD dissertation work. Congratulations Zhiyuan!
March 1, 2022
Our IISE 2022 Conference Paper titled, “Mapping Human Mobility Variation and Identifying Critical Services During a Disaster Using Dynamic Mobility Network” has been selected as one of the finalists for the Best Student Paper Competition of the Data Analytics and Information System (DAIS) division. Congratulations to Zhiyuan Wei, who is the first author of this paper.
February 22, 2022
Population health is multidimensional in nature, having complex relationships with the various health determinants. However, most previous studies investigate a single dimension of population health using linear models, failing to capture the nonlinearity in the data and interdependence of multiple dimensions in health outcomes. Our recent paper titled “Multidimensional Population Health Modeling: A Data-Driven Multivariate Statistical Learning Approach” published in the IEEE Access journal addresses these unique challenges and presents a data-driven multivariate statistical learning approach to simultaneously model various aspects of population health as a function of health behaviors, clinical care, socioeconomic factors, physical environment, and demographics. To read the published article, click here.
February 4, 2022
“As climate change pushes temperatures ever higher, Californians could lose air conditioning for roughly one week each summer because the demand for cooling will have exceeded the capacity of the electrical grid, a new study has found.” Our collaborative study titled, Implications of increasing household air conditioning use across the United States under a warming climate, has been covered by the Los Angeles Times. To read the full article, click the link below:
As Earth warms, air conditioning use could exceed power supply in next decade
This work which has been published in the Earth’s Future journal has been highlighted by the American Geophysical Union (AGU): Advancing Earth and Space Science in their press release. To read the full article, click below:
December 7, 2021
Our research on “A Geo-AI based framework for modeling wildfire-induced failure risk of electric power grid”, presented at the Society for Risk Analysis 2021 Annual meeting, has been highlighted in the news by Tech Xplore. Congratulations Prasangsha Ganguly, UB ISE PhD student for his first media coverage. To read the full article, click the link below:
Microgrids and solar reduce risk of power outages
December 6, 2021
Congratulations to Zhiyuan Wei, UB ISE PhD student for receiving the STUDENT MERIT AWARD from the Society for Risk Analysis Occupational Health and Safety Specialty Group (OHSSG) for the paper “Investigating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among US Physicians during COVID-19: A Data-centric Approach Based on Survey Data”.
November 24, 2021
Understanding mental health disparities and how it is associated with the various socio-environmental factors is of utmost importance. However, there is a lack of quantitative approach to model the complex associations and interplays of the socio-environmental factors with the regional suicide rates. Our recent research presents a holistic data-driven machine learning based framework to model the associations of socio-environmental factors (demographic, socio-economic, and climate) with the suicide rates and compare their associations across the various metropolitan areas in the U.S. This work has been published today in the PLOS One journal. To read the full article, click here.
November 22, 2021
Dr. Mukherjee was interviewed by Popular Science News to share her insights on the Biden’s Infrastructure Bill, mainly focusing on the Energy Systems! An interesting article sharing certain perspectives on the recent Infrastructure Bill. To check out the news click the link below:
Biden’s infrastructure act bets big on 3 types of ‘green’ energy tech
October 30, 2021
The western US has a long history of large wildfires and with the fast changing climate, the frequency of such large wildfires is increasing. In a recent multidisciplinary research with UB Civil Engineering Department, we model the impact of geophysical and anthropogenic factors on wildfire size using a data-driven risk assessment approach. The work is published today in the Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) journal. To read the full paper, click here.
Congratulations to the entire team!
September 2, 2021
Community mental health is significantly influenced by built environment factors across the largest metropolitan areas in the US. Leveraging interpretable machine learning algorithms and scenario-based sensitivity analysis, our multidisciplinary team from University at Buffalo Industrial and Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning, and Georgia Tech School of City & Regional Planning studies the complex relationships between community mental health outcomes and the socioeconomic conditions, housing vacancy rates, commuting costs, etc. across the large US metropolitan areas. This work is published today in Nature Scientific Reports. To read the full paper, click here
July 27, 2021
Climate change is real and we are witnessing its effects in every sphere of our lives. Dr. Mukherjee was interviewed by a journalist from Voice of America regarding the effects of heatwaves and extreme heat on urban infrastructure and human health. The story, published today, highlights how fast we are approaching to that tipping point from where there might be no return! Thus, we all need to do our part to minimize this rate of change and protect our mother nature! To read the article “Cities Unprepared for Intense, Frequent Heat Waves”, click the link below:
Voice of America: Science and Health
May 30, 2021
Our paper titled “A Two-Stage Data-Driven Spatiotemporal Analysis to Predict Failure Risk of Urban Sewer Systems Leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms” is published in the journal – Risk Analysis. To read more, click here.
April 08, 2021
Our paper titled “A Multifaceted Risk Assessment Approach Using Statistical Learning to Evaluate Socio-environmental Factors Associated with Regional Felony and Misdemeanor Rates” is accepted for publication in the journal – Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. To read more, click here.
Congratulations to Prasangsha Ganguly for his first journal publication!
April 01, 2021
Dr. Mukherjee selected as the recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Young Investigator Award in Energy Systems from the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)!
March 30, 2021
Dr. Mukherjee was interviewed by Mr. Ron Regan, Chief Investigative Reporter at News 5 Cleveland. The published news “Cleveland Public Power lacks transparency in outage reports: Reported data on outages raises questions” can be found in the following link.
March 3, 2021
Prasangsha Ganguly, UB ISE Ph.D. student, received the 2021 Natural Hazards Student Research Grant for his project on “Understanding Wildfire-induced Risk on Interconnected Infrastructure Systems”.
Congratulations to Prasangsha for this achievement!
February 18, 2021
The real story behind the Texas power outages: The blackouts were actually years in the making.
December 10, 2020
A paper titled “Health-Behaviors Associated With the Growing Risk of Adolescent Suicide Attempts: A Data-Driven Cross-Sectional Study” is published in American Journal of Health Promotion.
Congratulations to Zhiyuan Wei, UB ISE Ph.D. student, on his first journal publication!
August 17, 2020
The US has more power outages than any other developed country. Here’s why.
May 10, 2020
Dr. Mukherjee’s research expertise cited in News Break
April 17, 2020
New model could improve energy demand predictions in New York State
December 10, 2019
Dr. Mukherjee, along with her co-author Dr. Roshanak Nateghi from Purdue University, receive the Best Paper 2019 Award by the Risk Analysis Journal’s Editorial Board for the paper “A Data‐Driven Approach to Assessing Supply Inadequacy Risks Due to Climate‐Induced Shifts in Electricity Demand” published in Risk Analysis journal.
November 1, 2019
Here’s what it will take to adapt the power grid to higher wildfire risks
November 2, 2018
Climate change stress on the power grid
September 25, 2018
Climate change will stress the power grid more than industry estimates.
September 24, 2018
How will climate change stress the power grid? Hint: Look at dew point temperatures.
September 24, 2019
Power grid pressure: Climate change to increase electricity demands
December 20, 2017
Study’s projections show climate change to increase commercial Indiana energy consumption, reduce residential use
December 20, 2017
Purdue climate change study projects good news, bad news
October 26, 2017
Research seeks to improve electrical infrastructure against weather outages
November 17, 2022
Invited Talk at Rochester Institute Of Technology
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to offer a seminar in the Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT) Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering on “Integrated multilayered modeling of the complex interactions of socio-technical systems with climatic extremes”. This seminar will focus on the various projects that we are conducting in the OASIS Lab.
September 19-23, 2021
31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021)
Dr. Mukherjee will the present the paper titled “Understanding Wildfire Induced Risk on Interconnected Infrastructure Systems Using a Bow-Tie Model with Bayesian Network and Self Organizing Maps“, co-authored by Prasangsha Ganguly. The paper will appear in the proceedings of the conference soon.
July 20-23, 2021
INFORMS Healthcare Conference, 2021
Dr. Mukherjee is presenting two papers in the 2021 INFORMS Healthcare Conference. More about the conference can be found here: INFORMS Healthcare 2021.
Papers that Dr. Mukherjee presented are:
A Novel Data-driven Approach to Evaluate the Risk of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the U.S. Physicians During Covid-19 Pandemic [Link]
Insights into the Community Mental Health—Built Environment Nexus: A Multi-level Scenario-based Predictive Analytics Framework [Link]
April 19, 2021
Invited Talk at George Mason University
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to offer a talk at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at George Mason University. The title of the talk is “A multifaceted data-driven risk assessment approach to advance the resilience and sustainability of socio-technical systems“.
December 13-17, 2020
2020 Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) General Meeting, Arlington VA
Dr. Mukherjee will organize a symposium on “Big Data, Predictive Analytics and Risk Informed Decision Making in Healthcare System“. OASIS Lab Members – Aishwarya Gupta, Prasangsha Ganguly, and Zhiyuan Wei presented their work in this symposium.
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to present at the “Building Sustainable Energy Systems under Climate Change” session. Title of the talk: Modeling Sectoral Electricity—Natural Gas Demand and Climate Nexus: A Data-driven Multivariate Predictive Framework
November 17, 2020
2020 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to serve as a Judge for the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Doctoral Student Colloquium.
November 17, 2020
ASCE Women Water Nexus 11th Short Conference on Sewer Asset Management
Dr. Mukherjee is invited as a Key Speaker to present at the ASCE Women Water Nexus 11th Short Conference on Sewer Asset Management – Challenges and New Data-driven Methods. Title of the talk: A two stage data driven spatiotemporal analysis to predict failure risk of urban sewer systems.
November 9, 2020
2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to present at the “Data Analytics in Energy Systems” session. Title of her talk: Towards Improved Energy Predictions: Modeling Energy Sector Couplings Using A Multivariate Predictive Framework
November 1-6, 2020
The 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Venice Italy
Two papers got accepted for proceedings publication and oral presentations. Papers title: 1) An integrated risk-informed decision framework to minimize wildfires-induced power outage risks; 2) Towards resilient mental wellbeing in cities: A data-driven learning from mental health-environment nexus
April 3, 2020
Invited talk at Purdue University
Dr. Mukherjee is invited to a webinar organized by the Division of Construction Engineering and Management at Purdue University. Title of the talk: Data-driven risk-informed decision analysis: Application towards sustainable energy systems
December 8-12, 2019
2019 Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) General Meeting, Arlington VA
Dr. Mukherjee will organize a symposium and present research on: 1) Comparative Assessment of the Risk Factors Leading to Suicide Attempts among Male and Female Youths: A Predictive Analytics Approach; 2) Evaluating factors affecting crime rates in the state of New York: A county-level analysis.
Jul 30–Aug 2, 2019
The Second Conference on Risk Analysis, Decision Analysis, and Security, Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY, USA.
Research on crime prediction in the state of New York by Prasangsha Ganguly and Sayanti Mukherjee (2019) is presented at the conference. Presentation title: “Risk assessment framework to evaluate urban vs. rural crime rates leveraging data-driven predictive analytics“. PhD student Zhiyuan Wei presented a poster on: Data-informed Modeling to Analyze and Assess the Growing Risks of Suicide Attempts Among Youths.
July 27-29, 2019
INFORMS Health Analytics Conference, Cambridge MA
Dr. Mukherjee chaired a session and presented two papers on her recent work on suicide mortality rates and mental health. Presentation titles: 1) Comparative Analysis of Climate-induced Suicidal Rates among Urban and Rural Populations in the U.S.; 2) A Data-driven Framework to Identify and Assess the Risk Factors Leading to Suicide Ideation and Attempts Among Youths
We are always looking for motivated PhD, Masters and Undergraduate students to join our lab. If you are interested to participate in OASIS lab’s research program, please send an email to Prof. Sayanti Mukherjee with your CV and a research statement.
- 1. Call for Papers: Dr. Mukherjee is editing the Special Issue for the Socio-Economic Planning Sciences journal (Elsevier) on “Data-driven Approaches in Modeling Climate Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Food, Energy, Water, and Health (FEWH) Systems”. Submission portal will open on April 1, 2022. More details can be found here: SEPS FEWH Call for Papers. If you are interested to contribute, please register here: Registration Link
- 2. Call for Abstracts and Presentation Summaries: The Data Analytics & Information Systems (DAIS) Division of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) is sponsoring the DAIS Track at the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2022. As track chairs of the DAIS Track, we encourage you to contribute to the conference and track by submitting a 250-word abstract or presentation summary. More details about the conference can be found here: IISE 2022 Conference
- 3. Join the Society For Risk Anaylsis-UB Student Chapter: We have launched a brand new interdisciplinary student club, the SRA-SC which is a student wing of the wider Society for Risk Analysis. This club will bring the UB university community together to share information and ideas related to risk analysis, a domain that is currently being examined in diffused disciplinary settings. More information about SRA-SC can be found here: SRA-UB Student Chapter. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and announcements on activities and events. We are also looking for more Officers for the Club; so if you are interested for active involvement please contact us using the SRA-SC Email ID.