Current Students

Zhiyuan Wei, Ph.D. student
Zhiyuan Wei is a third year Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY). He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Ludong University and a M.S. in Industrial Economics from University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in 2016, China. He also obtained a M.S. in Industrial Engineering from University at Buffalo (SUNY) in 2019. Zhiyuan's research interests lie in risk analysis and informed decision making in the domain of public health.
- 1) Dissertation (working title): A Transformative Data-centric Framework to Assess Community Resilience to Natural Disasters Leveraging Large-scale Human Mobility Data
- 2) Awards:
- i) 2022 Student/Young Professional Travel Award, Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
- ii) 2022 Best Student Paper (Finalist), Data Analytics & Information Systems, IISE Annual Conference
- iii) 2022 Honorable Mention, ISE Graduate Student Teaching Award
- iv) 2022 Natural Hazards Student Research Grant, UB’s Center for Geohazards Studies
- v) 2021 Student Merit Award, Occupational Health and Safety, Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
- 3) Journal Publications:
- i) Wei, Z. and Mukherjee, S. (2023). “Examining income segregation within activity spaces under natural disaster using dynamic mobility network”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 91, 104408.
- ii) Wei, Z., Narin, A.B., and Mukherjee, S.,(2021). “Multidimensional population health modeling: a data-driven multivariate statistical learning approach”, IEEE Access, 10, 22737-22755.
- iii) Mukherjee, S., Shucard, J., Rintamaki, L., Wei, Z., Carlasare, L., and Sinsky, C. (2021). “A Statistical Learning Approach to Evaluate Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Physicians: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic”, IEEE Access, 10, 114434-114454
- iv) Mukherjee, S. and Wei, Z. (2021). “Suicide disparities across metropolitan areas in the U.S.: A comparative assessment of socio-environmental factors using a data-driven predictive approach”, PLOS One, 16(11): e0258824.
- v) Wei, Z. and Mukherjee, S. (2020). “Health-behaviors associated with the growing risk of adolescent suicide attempts: A data-driven cross-sectional study”, Journal of Health Promotion Research (PMID: 33297721)
- 4) Conference proceedings:
- i) Wei, Z., Mukherjee, S., and Chen, J. (2023).“Forecasting spatiotemporal variations in emergency shelter demand leveraging human mobility data: A data-centric multivariate framework”, 2023 IISE Conference Proceedings.
- ii) Wei, Z., and Mukherjee, S. (2022). “Mapping human mobility variation and identifying critical services during a disaster using dynamic mobility network”, 2022 IISE Conference Proceedings (selected as the Best Student Paper Finalist by the Data Analytics & Information Systems (DAIS) Track).

Prasangsha Ganguly, Ph.D. student
Prasangsha Ganguly is a third year Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY). He obtained a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Computer Science from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India in 2015, and a Master of Technology degree in Disaster Mitigation and Management from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, in 2017. His research interests lie in area of applied data science and operations research.
- 1) Dissertation (working title): Resilience and Vulnerability Analysis of Electricity Infrastructure System Under Adverse Climate Conditions
- 2) Awards: 2021 Natural Hazards Student Research Grant from the Center for Geohazards Study
- 3) Journal Publications:
- i) Ganguly, P.; and Mukherjee, S. (2023). “A Simulation-based Hybrid Generalized Framework to Model Vulnerability of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Incomplete Information”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (forthcoming)
- ii) Ganguly, P.; and Mukherjee, S. (2021). “A Multifaceted Risk Assessment Approach Using Statistical Learning to Evaluate Socio-environmental Factors Associated with Regional Felony and Misdemeanor Rates”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; Volume 574, 15 July 2021, 125984
- iii) Masoudvaziri, N., Ganguly, P., Mukherjee, S., Sun, K. (2021) “Impact of geophysical and anthropogenic factors on wildfire size: A spatiotemporal data-driven risk assessment approach using statistical learning”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment journal; 36, 1103–1129.
- iv) Mukherjee, S.; Boamah, E.F.; Ganguly, P.; and Botchwey, N.; (2021) “Towards resilient mental wellbeing in cities: A data-driven learning from mental health-environment nexus”, Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 17548 (2021)
- 4) Conference Proceedings:
- i) Ganguly, P., and Mukherjee, S. (2021) “Understanding Wildfire Induced Risk on Interconnected Infrastructure Systems Using a Bow-Tie Model and Self Organizing Maps”, In the proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021), France Angers, Sep 19-23, 2021; DOI: 10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_567-cd
- ii) Masoudvaziri, N. , Ganguly, P., Mukherjee, S., Sun, K. (2020) “An integrated risk-informed decision framework to minimize wildfires-induced power outage risks”, In the Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2020), Venice Italy, Nov 1-6, 2020; ISBN/DOI: 978-981-14-8593-0

Yashraj Shashikant Sharma, M.S. student
Yashraj Sharma is a second year Master’s student in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He obtained his Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering from Shri Ramdeobaba college of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India in 2021. He is curious about and fascinated by how Operations Research and Machine Learning can help solve complex problems and my research interests lie in applying these techniques to tackle real-world scenarios.

Pranav Vinod Pillai, M.S. student
Pranav Pillai is a second year Master's degree student in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) . He obtained a B.S in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University at Buffalo (SUNY) in 2021 . His research interests lie in Operations Research, Machine Learning and Data Analytics in the domain of disaster management.

Huize Hou, Undergraduate student
Huize is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University at Buffalo (SUNY), and transferred from Sichuan University. He plans to continue his education by pursuing a Master’s Degree in a field related to data processing and analyzing after graduation. His research interests lie in solving real-world problems based on data analytics, machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling and operation research techniques.

Aishwarya Gupta, M.S. student
Aishwarya was a Master's student in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY). She holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Ramdeobaba college of engineering and management (RCOEM) , Nagpur University, Maharashtra, India in 2018. Aishwarya's interests lie in statistical analysis, predictive modeling and operations research to solve real time problems.
- 1) Placement: Program Manager Safety & Compliance at Amazon
- 2) M. S. Thesis: “Investigating Public Sentiment Towards Government-Issued COVID-19 Policies and Mandates Through Twitter Lens: A Data-Centric Approach”, MS Thesis 2021
- 3) Conference presentation: Wei, Z., and Mukherjee, S. (2020) “Investigating People’s Reactions Towards Government Policies During COVID-19 Using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data”, Oral presentation at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting (virtual)

Ziyu (Bryce) Zhong, Undergraduate student
Bryce is pursuing a bachelor’s degree from the University at Buffalo (SUNY), and he is currently a senior in Computer Science Engineering. He is going to continue to pursue a master's degree in STEM fields after graduation. His research interest is to solve real-world problems by studying algorithms. He continued to pursue his graduate studies (MS in Security Informatics) at Johns Hopkins University.

Saumya Pandey, Undergraduate student
Saumya is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics, with a minor in Computer Science and Mathematics. After graduation, she is going to pursue a Master’s degree in Statistics. Her research interests lie in using statistical and machine learning techniques in solving real-world problems.